Delmanarah Efrinc, Ambassador of the County of Urnst

Delmanarah is 32 years old, 5' 5" tall, weighs 113 Ibs., and has very straight, page-boy cut, honey-blond hair, and blue-grey eyes. She is a 9th-level specialist Diviner of CG alignment (Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 17). Delmanarah adds to her natural charm and beauty by dressing modestly but very well, with an excellent eye for color matches (blue and cream, green and silver, black, white and a little platinum).

Delmanarah has one key goal: keep her eyes on Reichart Petrides, the ambassador of the Duchy of Urnst. The County is very concerned over the Duchy's dominance and wishes to make sure that it has an independent voice in Greyhawk. So, she uses her spells to watch the Count's home and she has a halfling footman of the Count on her payroll. Of course, there is much in the Count's home she cannot scry, and she would pay well for good burglars who can be trusted to do a job well, keep their mouths shut, and leave no traces behind.

Delmanarah also keeps her ear to the ground in general, especially for news concerning Iuz, Nvrond, and the Theocracy of the Pale. She has a wide social circle, and uses her charms on males impressionable enough to have their tongues loosened a little by her flirting. She is wily, cunning, and subtle, with impeccable manners.


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