Denizens of the Undercity

An assortment of monsters live under the streets of Greyhawk, among the passages of the Undercity. Even a few humans have elected to take refuge down here, usually for nefarious reasons.

Each part of the Undercity is detailed with its specific denizens listed there. A few other types of creatures roam everywhere under the city, and these can be encountered in sewers, crypts, or secret passages.

To determine these encounters, the DM should roll 1d6 every tum. On a 6, the PCs have one of the following encounters. If the encounter takes place in a watery area, the DM should roll 1d4 to see what is met; if the area is not one of standing water, ro11 1d12.

UndercityRandom Encounter Table
Die Roll Encounter
1 1d4 Giant crayfish
2 1 Giant crocodile
3 3d6 Giant rats
4 1 Giant snake, constrictor
5 2d12 Giant centipedes
6 2d6 Large spiders
7 100 Bats
8 1d6+1 Carrion crawlers
9 1d4 Poisonous snakes
10 1 Neo-otyugh
11 1d4 Black puddings
12 1d4 Otyughs


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