Sometimes a unit can be overeager to see combat, charging against a hated foe when its commander might wish it to remain in place. In some cases, a discipline check is necessary to determine whether or not a commander retains control of his unit.

A unit's discipline is the same as its morale, and a discipline check is made the same way as a morale check. However, the modifiers that can affect a unit's morale do not apply to a unit making a discipline check.

Usually, only units of chaotic creatures are subject to discipline checks. (The troop type list, Appendix II, identify which creatures are chaotic.) Nonchaotic creatures might be required to make a discipline check if they have a hated foe in the battle. (Hated foes are also listed in the troop type list, and should be noted on a unit roster before the start of the scenario.)

A chaotic unit must make a discipline check when:

It is in good order and has an enemy unit in its charge range at the start of a turn.

A failed discipline check means that the unit will charge; no charge declaration or charge initiation check is necessary. (In this case, the owning player still receives the modifier to his initiative die roll for this charge, even though a charge was not technically declared for the unit.) If the discipline check is successful, the owning player can choose whether or not the unit will charge (and, as usual, a charge initiation check is necessary if a charge is declared).

A unit in melee with the chaotic unit routs, or performs a fighting withdrawal.

A successful discipline check means that the chaotic unit can perform whatever task the owning player desires. Failure, however, means that the chaotic unit is required to make every effort to close with the retreating unit during its next movement step.

In addition, any unit must make a discipline check when it is in good order and has a hated foe in its charge range at the start of a turn. A chaotic unit has a -2 penalty to its morale rating when this check is required.


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