Dmitri Valonis Ambitious Rhennee Version III: Rhennee Tyrant

By this stage Dmitri, with the help of his "allies," will have eliminated virtually all of his opposition to leadership and will be generally recognized as leader by all Rhennee along the southern Nyr Dyv. Assassination of the few surviving high level rivals will be the PCs' sole task. Unfortunately, those survivmg rival Rhennee Lords will also have enlisted the aid of adventuring parties-leading to a high-level shootout on the Nyr Dyv!

Should Dmitri succeed in his ambition to become the supreme Rhennee Lord in the region, the PCs turn into a liability for him. They know far too much about his activities and the methods he has employed to achieve this lofty position. Dmitri will contact the Assassins' Guild in the Free City and take out a contract on the PCs. Should an attempt by the guild on the PCs fail, Dmitri will be on hand to "assist" in their rescue. Back to the beginning ....

It should be noted that all the way through the PCs' association with Dmitri, he appears to be their friend and ally. Initially the PCs will not be called upon to do anything more than loosen a rival's rudder or infest a perishable cargo with vermin. Only gradually will the PCs' missions become more and more illegal and of dubious morality, and by this time Dmitri will have amassed a considerable amount of damning evidence of criminal acts committed by the PCs. At all stages, he will also have other "friends" and employees who can be used in a variety of ways to emphasize to the PCs the practical wisdom of continued cooperation with Dmitri. The DM may also wish to consider having a subset of a PC group affiliated with Dmitri-most obviously, those of questionable ethics and/or morality.

AC 3/2 (leather annor + 2 and Dex 16; shield +2 in melee MV 12; F9/T13; hp 68; THAC0 12/11; #AT 1; Dmg 1d8 +4 (long sword +3, frost brand Str 16, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 16; SA quintuple damage on backstab; AL N (NE).

Thieving skills: PP 85, OL 85, FT 70, MS 60, HS 70, DN 40, CW 95, RL 40.

Magical items: leather armor +2, shield +2; long sword +3, frost brand; brooch of shielding, cloak of the bat, medallion of ESP, ring of free action, wind fan.


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