Dmitri Valonis Ambitious Rhennee Version I: Aspiring Young Rhennee

Dmitri is 24 years old. 5'1" tall (with a ternfic inferiority complex about his height), 127 lbs., with lightly tanned skin, brown eyes: and lustrously curly long brown hair tied back in a bound ponytail. He wears a couple of plain gold earrings and has a gold medallion on a neck chain about his neck.

From an early age, Dmitn has been determined to lead the Rhennee in the Greyhawk region. Leaders among the Rhennee are not selected on a hereditary basis: rather, it is power, wealth, and prest1ge that are the deciding factors. To this end, Dmitri enters his barge in a race against two other Rhennee barges to Grelight Cove on the western shore of Midbay. Not only does Dmitri stand to gain in stature among his people should he win the race, but also substantial bets have been placed and the winner stands to gain a considerable purse.

Dmitri has hatched a plan to both win the race and gain him valuable and "willing allies in future schemes. Dmitri needs spellcasters (which the Rhennee themselves have in short supply), and he doesn't intend to pay them for their services. Dmitri will use his spies among the Beggars' Union to watch for and assess the strength of low-level adventuring parties arriving at any of the city gates. Once a target group is selected (the PCs) he has trailed to their place of lodgmg and bides his time waiting for his chance to strike. A gang of Rhennee "muggers" (F2/T2: adjust numbers according to the size and relative strength of the PCs) in Dmitri's employ will waylay the PCs, concentrating on unarmored individuals. This attack will obviously be staged during the hours of darkness in a relatively quiet area.

Dmitri will then run up, brandishing his sword, and apparently chase the muggers away. Informing the PCs that the muggers were from one of the less savory Rhennee families, he apologizes for their behavior, and offers to buy the PCs a drink. In any event he will end up returning to the PCs' hostelry and attempt to engage them in conversation.

During this time, Dmitri will have one of the younger Rhennee slip into the PCs' room, secretly put a vial of deadly poison into their possessions, and then summon Junior Sergeant Lodol of the City Watch. Lodol, who is also in Dmitri's pocket, arnves at the PCs' hostelry accompanied by 10 men-at-arms of the City Watch and insists on searching their baggage. Upon finding the poison, Lodol informs the PCs that this is a serious crime that carries a sentence of up to two years hard labor. Protestations of innocence by the PCs will be treated with derision.

Dmitri, who has accompanied them to their room. protests and takes Lodol to one side where an animated but whispered conversation ensues. Lodol then turns to the PCs and says, "You were lucky you had Mr. Valonis with you. For the time being no charges will be pressed, but I will keep the file open." Lodol then leaves, taking his men with him.

This now gives Dmitri a hold over the PCs-the threat of smuggling charges bemg brought against them at a later time. To start with, Dmitri will ask for but a small favor-help in winning the barge race. He leaves it to the PCs' ingenuity to slow down and hamper his rivals in subtle and clandestine ways (e.g., using a speak with ammals spell to persuade barnacles on Dmitri's barge to migrate to the hulls of those of his opponents). Whether he wins the race is up to the ingenuity of the PCs (and the generosity of the DM).

AC 5/4 (leather armor + 1 and Dex 16ยท shield in melee combat only M\' 12; F4/T4; hp 29; THAC0 17/16: #AT 1; Dmg 1d8 + 2 (longsword + 1 Str 16, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 16; SA double damage on backstab; AL N (NE).

Thieving skills: PP 40, OL 40, FT 30, MS 25. HS 30. ON 25, CW 75. RL 10.

Magical items: leather armor + 1, long sword + I, medallion of ESP.


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