Dmitri Valonis Ambitious Rhennee Version II: Young Rhennee Lord

Dmitri will now beguile the PCs into helping him with more clearly illegal activities-smuggling, weapons shipping, eliminating rivals within the Rhennee families in the region. During this period, Dmitri will accumulate more and more evidence of the PCs complicity in "wrongdoings" in order to consolidate his hold on them.

Dmitri will pay the PCs well for any missions they undertake against his Rhennee rivals. In order to become over all leaders without becoming extremely unpopular with his fellow Rhennee, Dmitri particularly wants outsiders to be responsible for the tragic early deaths of his rivals so that he cannot be connected with them.

AC 4/3 (leather armor + 2 and Dex 16ยท shield + 1 in melee MV 12; F6/T8; hp 45; THAC0 15/14; #AT 1; Dmg ld8 +2 (Jong sword + 1, flametongue Str 16, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 16; SA triple damage on backstab; AL N (NE).

Thieving skills: PP 55, OL 55, FT 50, MS 35, HS 50, ON 30, CW 95, RL 20.

Magical items: leather armor + 2, shield + 1; long sword + 1, flame tongue; medallion of ESP, ring of free action, wind fan.


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