Duchy of the Reach

Pop: 56,000

Capital: Caronis (pop. 2,600)

Standing Army: 1,800

Tax Multiplier: 0.8

Tithe Multiplier: 1.0

Ruler: Duke Bennal Tyneman

This long, narrow strip of territory has a unique atmosphere, simply because it borders on so many different lands. Highfolk, Veluna, and Verbobonc all border on the duchy, in addition to Littleberg and the Gold County. This is a free wheeling, free spirited province which has the lowest percentage of lawfully-aligned people in all of Furyondy.

Caronis is a major trade and travel center, with merchants and other people moving up and down the roads to Veluna City and Mitrik. Velunese influence is a stabilizing factor in the duchy. Duke Tyneman prefers the open and free wheeling atmosphere of his duchy. He is a reverer of Olidammara and a self indulgent hedonist whose lands lie hundreds of miles from war and strife. Tyneman is no fool, but he doesn't understand much of war and the grim lecturing of Belvor and his generals bore him to distraction. Tyneman avoids most political wheelings and dealings, liking only nobles who are fun to be with, notably Countess Rhavelle. Tyneman has so far refused to raise taxes at Belvor's request, claiming that this might lose trade to Verbobonc which is a plausible excuse.

Articles under Duchy of the Reach


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