Duke's Gate

This gate is typical of the smaller of the city's entrances and exits. Its traffic consists mainly of food goods brought by backpack, saddlebag, cart, wagon, even on the hoof, destined for the High Marketplace. The Duke's Gate is also the point of entry for all traffic into the Cairn Hills and to the southern shore of the Nyr Dyv, though this traffic is not nearly as numerous as that through the Highway Gate at the southern end of the city. However, freight wagons and their escorts of soldiers enter the city here, bringing the smelted and partially processed products of the mines to the city's craftsman and markets.

The gate was named in honor of a former Duke of Urnst, nearly a century ago. That duke was a renowned sportsman and gambler. He traveled often to the Free City, partaking enthusiastically of the pleasures there. He turned each journey from the duchy to Greyhawk and back into a hunting expedition through the Cairn Hills. His route always brought him down from the hills and through this gate. The good duke lost so much of his wealth in the city's gaming houses and inns that the grateful populace gave the gate his name as a token of rare honor and esteem.

The gate is manned by an elite patrol of the City Watch, reinforced of course by the standard patrol in the gate house.

Duke’s Gate: High Street turns into the paved High Road beyond this gate, which allows traffic to and from the Cairn Hills, Elmshire, Grossettgrottell, and eventually the Duchy of Urnst. Farm produce and mined ore are the major products shipped through here. The gate is named for a duke of Urnst in the last century who spent much of his time in Greyhawk and was a major patron of the city’s gambling houses. An elite patrol and a standard patrol of the City Watch are here.


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