Social Class: Middle.

Power Center: Often—conventional (nobles).

Buildings: Temple (Moradin), average lodging (1%), fi ne food (1%), average food (8%), poor food (1%), exotic trades (5%), fine trades (15%), average trades (12%), poor trades (2%), fine services (4%), average services (12%), poor services (3%), fi ne residences (4%), average residences (30%).

Description: In keeping with dwarves’ architectural tastes, structures are usually squat and built of heavy stone. Most residences are in the form of apartments rather than houses, often separate rooms behind or over workshops. The air is fi lled with the sound of craftworking, from heavy hammering to careful carving, and frequently smells of smoke. The majority of people in the street are dwarves, but some humans venture here as well, seeking dwarf-crafted items.

Plot Hook: Some human artisans in the city are angry about dwarf “outsiders” undercutting their businesses and their reputations. This group has hired a local criminal gang to harass some recently arrived dwarf craftworkers. The dwarves were able to take care of themselves at first, but recently the harassment has increased so much that they need help. Unwilling to turn to the human-dominated city watch, the dwarves want to hire some private security—such as the PCs.


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