Dwarves Ethnicity in Greyhawk | World Anvil


The dwarves of Blackmoor are an industrious and proud people. For generations they have created beautiful and aweinspiring crafts, as well as immense cities of stone. Dwarven cities are wondrous to behold, yet outsiders seldom see them. Rumors say that the entire City of Blackmoor could fi t within the Regent of the Mines’ mighty stronghold. As the chief miners in Blackmoor, the dwarves play an important role in procuring the precious metals gold, platinum, and mithral. While these metals are valuable, the dwarves also control the major locations of the raw gems needed to create spell foci. This makes the dwarves an important ally for the Wizards’ Cabal, which often stations arcane warriors near dwarven settlements to keep an eye on the mines. Dwarves in Blackmoor have also applied science to their industrious efforts. They have mastered great steam engines that assist in mining, helping them delve deep into the hearts of Blackmoor’s mountains. Personality: Dwarves are proud of their heritage as well as their handiwork. They are quick to boast about themselves and their people. Fond of good drink and fi ne food, dwarves are often drawn to the art of cooking. They are fi ercely loyal to their kin and slow to befriend outsiders. At times, a dwarf may dub a foreign companion “Dwarf-Friend” — creating a lifelong bond between the dwarf and his ally. This bond dwarves wear their hair simply. Dark red hair is common, brown slightly less so. The occasional dwarf has black hair; this is more frequent among females than males. Dwarven dress is simple, consisting of plain woolens with little adornment. Dwarves are long-lived by human standards, fi rst reaching adulthood at age 75. Dwarves are considered elders when they approach 400 years of age. Alignment: Dwarves hold dwarven law to be the only true law. Within their underground realm, dwarves see themselves as lawful. However, because they care very little for the laws of non-dwarves, most outsiders view them as a neutral race. Dwarves tend toward good. Relations: Dwarves are leery of other races, seeing them as possible threats until proven otherwise. However, dwarves get along well with gnomes, who share their love of earthly living as well as a fascination with treasures. Dwarves and gnomes are also both interested in machinery. They often live symbiotically in this regard, as gnomes have the fi ne dexterity to craft and manipulate small mechanical parts for the dwarves’ large iron machines. On the other hand, dwarves have a strong distrust of Cumasti and Westryn elves. Dwarves believe that elves take advantage of other races and try to exert their power over others. Dwarves have a fi ery hatred of orcs and goblins and attack them out of hand. Orcs and goblins are ancient dwarven enemies that continue to threaten dwarven settlements to this day. A dwarf must summon great control to restrain himself from attacking such enemies. Dwarven Lands: Wherever mountains stand in Blackmoor, dwarves are found. Some barren mountains may not currently be inhabited, but proof of prior dwarf residency is certain to be evident. Dwarves seek out riches below the mountains and construct giant cities in their depths. The dwarves’ main settlement is the Halls of the Regent of the Mines near Mount Uberstar in Eastern Blackmoor. The Regent united and controls the dwarf clans. Within the dwarven strongholds, all clans are sworn to the service of the Regent. The dwarves have a nominal king, but that title holds no value among them. In fact, dwarven kingship is actually a mark of insult thrust upon a particularly lethargic or unproductive dwarf. Many times this so-called “ King of the Dwarves” is sent out to negotiate with those with whom the dwarves have no real interest in dealing. Dwarven Culture: Dwarves are born into clans. They are given their names by their clan leaders and then required to live out their lives in the service of their clan and the Regent. Dwarves willingly lay down their lives to protect their clans and their Dwarf-Friends. The number of dwarf clans in Blackmoor is too numerous to list. Traditionally, dwarves have been a male-dominated society, but that ancient tradition may be in jeopardy as the number of female births is rumored to have steadily declined. This has caused a rise in the role of females in the culture and threatens to advance females to higher positions of power within the clan structure. transcends simple mortality and often passes on to such a friend’s family and heirs. It is not uncommon for dwarves to adopt the immediate members of a Dwarf-Friend’s family. Physical Description: Dwarves stand 4 to 4 1/2 feet high. They are very broad and muscular and weigh as much as Thonians despite their height difference. Female dwarves are noticeably lighter in frame but are just as tall as their male counterparts. Dwarves in Blackmoor have many variations in their in skin tones due to their proximity to wild magic; dwarf skin ranges from very dark brown to light honey. All dwarves have dark brown or black eyes. Facial hair is a source of tremendous pride in dwarven culture. Males wear full beards, grooming them in elaborate braids and decorating them with rings and pendants. Females do not normally have facial hair. Male and female
Dwarven folk love shades of brown, red, and gray contrasted with a bright splash of color and picked out with as much precious metal as they can possibly wear. Leather is a favorite material, with wool being popular also. Dwarves wear clothing similar to that of the Oeridians.
Religion: Dwarves have their own pantheon of deities. Most worship Dhumnon, lord of the dwarven gods. Large underground temple complexes are devoted to the greater dwarven deities Hemgrid, Koorzun, and Gorrim.
Language: Dwarves speak their own language and use a runic script. They also speak Common, as they trade frequently with humans. Dwarves understand Gnome, as well as the languages of many of their enemies.
Names: A dwarf has a given name and a clan name. The clan name has a bearing on the dwarf’s standing in society. Dwarves are quick to defend their clan’s honor when it is challenged. Male Names: Grond, Havraad, Korm, Kudgum, Nordu, Odo, Ornurgam, Rordum, Zomdu. Female Names: Aussa, Bavmin, Dawonor, Dewna, Kumna, Okrozu, Vamna, Vorra. Clan Names: Benodond, Dragun, Gorduhendo, Grubumd, Khundan, Nokvorm, Wumnozu. Adventurers: Dwarven adventurers are usually misfi ts or have embarked upon family quests to restore honor or protect some famous dignitary. Dwarven culture rewards and praises creation, so dwarves often see adventurers as lazy or dishonorable since they search for riches that they did not mine or create. Most dwarven adventurers are fi ghters or warriors, but with the close proximity to so many magical energies some dwarves have found magic to be as useful a tool as a pick or battleaxe.


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