Economics and Politics

The Free City of Greyhawk occupies a pivotal position within the lands of the Flanaess, since it is the major port along the southern shore of the Nyr Dyv. Northeast from this great lake, the Artonsamay River and its tributary the Yol give rapid access to the Bandit Kingdoms, the Duchy of Tenh, and the Theocracy of the Pale. The eastern and southeastern shores are the lands of the County and Duchy of Umst, and by land or along the Franz River a brisk trade with great Nyrond flourishes. To the northwest. the mighty Velverdyva runs through Furyondy into Veluna, and on as far as Perrenland. Greyhawk stands on the Selintan River, which flows south into Woolly Bay and on to the Azure Sea, so that river and sea trade extends to all the major lands of the south. By river and by sea, many cargoes destined for almost all known lands pass through Greyhawk.

Major trade routes and economic relationships include the following, although of course not all of this traffic is conducted year round (because of weather, growing seasons, and other limiting factors):

From spots within Veluna and as far away as Highfolk, rare bronzewood and hornwood is shipped, with smaller amounts imported from the Vesve Forest. These superb hardwoods are sought in almost all lands.

Nyrond exports much food-staples, including grains and the kara fruit of the Celadon forest-westward to the Ulek lands (the southern trade to the Iron League lands passes down the Nesser and Duntide rivers).

Veluna and Furyondy both export textile goods to the southern lands.

From Onnwal and ldee come pearls, and also rare spices and ivory which Iron League merchants ship in from Hepmonaland (this trade is also quietly expanded by the Scarlet Brotherhood, although the origin of their exported spices is usually concealed).

Very hgh-grade platinum is brought from the Duchy of Urnst for the manufacture of coin in Veluna, Furyondy, and even as far away as Keoland and the Yeomanry.

Celene's magnificent nectarwine and other rare liquors from that area are brought by land or river to Greyhawk, where many merchants eagerly seek to purchase them.

Rarer goods seen in Greyhawk include furs from the far north, and the strong flavored, herb-streaked and smoked cheeses of Ket and Perrenland.

The superbly crafted weapons made in the Bandit Kingdoms-mostly shipped from Stoink-are widely sought after, although this trade is often covert and surreptitious. It is also certain that the Homed Society sends goods (foodstuffs and cloths) to Greyhawk via Stoink, and thus benefits from Greyhawk trade.

Greyhawk also trades in mercenaries in some sense; it is a natural place for those seeking gainful employment to look for patrons, be they from the Iron League, an independent city m the ravaged lands of the Wild Coast, or desperate men planning a further attempt to retake the Shield Lands from the bandits and servants of the Hierarchs who now occupy them.

Greyhawk itself has important sources of wealth. Greyhawk Castle still yields up treasures to intrepid adventurers, bringing money into the Free City and stimulating local business. The mines in the Cairn Hills claim the lives of no few miners, but the rewards are good especially high-value gems, prized everywhere since their possession allows merchants and others to carry substantial funds without being weighed down by thousands of coins.

So, business and trade booms in Greyhawk, and the city is prosperous and wealthy. There is a snowball effect here: The wealthier a major trade city becomes, the lower the taxes on trade can become, so the more attractive a place for trade the city becomes also. Trade popularity and wealth go hand in hand. This has major implications for all aspects of Greyhawk life, notably for taxation.

Articles under Economics and Politics


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