Edwina Pseudodragon

Edwina is the familiar of Jallarzi Sallavarian (see Chapter 3), who used a find familiar spell to summon the little creature from her home in the Gnarley Forest.

Jallarzi got a lot more than she bargained for. Edwina is a fiercely independent little creature and had the effrontery to bargain with her mistress, who allows Edwina freedom to travel about the city.

Edwina is curious and inquisitive, although she keeps away from the dangerous parts of town. She is regularly to be seen in the Roc and Oliphant (location C14), where she occasionally chides students for overindulgence in drink and inattention to their stud ies. She may also be found in the Savant (location C11), often withJallarzi, where she enjoys annoying relaxing mages by sitting on their chairs and reading arcane tomes over their shoulders.

Despite her rebukes to students, Edwina is herself quite greedy, with a notable liking for the rind from roast pork, sickly-sweet cakes, and sweet wines. She has been known to run up bills at the Golden Phoenix, where the pastry chef (a halfling) has a soft spot for her and allows her to gorge herself. After a major binge, Edwina is too fat to fly for ld3 days and may have to be carried home to Jallarzi, who also has to foot the bill for her familiar's indulgence.

Edwina is notably friendly to elves and halflings, and if greeted in an affable manner may enjoy a good gossip with a PC of either race. She is not terribly discreet and after a few sherries or similar she may well give the PCs some useful information, allowing the DM to use her as an amusing contact to feed the PCs information. Notably, since she can detect thoughts by telepathy, she may sometimes pick up something which the person in question believes to be true, which is not actually true in fact, so that information picked up by PCs from her may not be wholly correct.

AC 2; MV 6, Fl 24 (B HD 2; hp 15; THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1d3 +special; SA +4 to hit with poisoned tail stinger, save or become calaletpic for ld6 days, 25% chance of death; SD chameleon power, 35% MR; AL N (NG).


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