Elder Brother Ghrigiel

AC 1 (plate mail +2 MV 12; Pr12; hp 63; THACO 14; #AT 1; Dmg ld4+2/4 (sickle +2, +4 vs. good, treat as hook-fauchard Str 12, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 18, Cha 15; SD surprised only on a 1; AL LE.

Spells: 8 lst, 7 Znd, 6 3rd, 4 4th, 2 Sth, 2 6th (typically: bless, cause fear (X 3), command ( X 3), curse, detect good; detect charm, hold person ( X 3), know alignment, silence 15' radius, wyvern watch; animate dead, continual dark- ness (X 2), cure disease', glyph of warding, prayer; cloak of fear, detect lie, divination, poison; flame strike, slay living (or plane shift x 2 if traveling blade barrier, harm). Bonus spells as specialty priest of Nerull: Evard's black tentacles (1 /day), destruction (1 /week).

Magical items: plate mail +2, sickle +2, amu- let of moof apainst detection and location, rod of beguiling, otlher items as selected by DM (pri- marily concerned with security of residence).

Ghrigiel is 44 years old, 5' 11", and 194 lbs., with a full head of nodescript grey hair and blue-grey eyes. He has a remarkable lack of any distin- guishing characteristics. He looks for all the world like a minor clerk or scribe, humble and meek. He is soft-spoken, patient, and attentive, and a master of manners and protocol. He accentuates this by wearing grey robes and plain clothing, with no adornment or ostentation.

Ghrigiel is a patient man. He is a spider at the center of a slowly growing web of agents, intrigues, and accumulating information and plans. He is also utterly ruthless. His agents have value only as long as they continue to produce the goods. He keeps Ulrik alive with his variant cure disease spell (this keeps Ulrik’s disease only in abeyance, so Nerull permits this) as long as Ulrik is useful. Ghrigiel would throw any of his men to the wolves if it were politically useful to do so.

Ghrigiel is intensely evil and needs to indulge his vicious brutality from time to time. It seems necessary for him to have periodic indulgences in unspeakable evils, in order to maintain his closely controlled personality. His habits do not bear close inspection, the least appalling of them being his relish for raw meat.

Ghrigiel is a senior and highly trusted member of the Scarlet Brotherhood, else he would not have been given the key Greyhawk posting. He travels to his homeland for regular (monthly or so) meetings with his peers using his plane shift spells, to give reports on affairs in the Free City.


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