
The elves (olve in Flan) are slight of stature (averaging 5 feet) and fair of complexion. Hair and eye col oration vary by kindred. High elves are usually dark haired and green-eyed. The noble gray elves have either silvery hair and amber eyes, or pale golden hair and violet eyes (the second type commonly called faerie or fey elves), The hair color of wood elves ranges from yellow to coppery red, and eye color is a shade of hazel or green. Wild elves are the smallest of the elven folk, but otherwise resemble the wood elves. Finally, the valley elves appear to be taller ver sions (of nearly human height) of the gray elves.

Elves were present in the lands east of the Crystal mist Mountains for uncounted centuries prior to the rise of the first human kingdoms there. Slowly driven from open country to more secluded and better defended strongholds by the growing strength of both human and nonhuman folk, elves still held a number of forest and upland realms at the time of the Twin Cataclysms. The invading humans, orcs, and others pressed them further, until some prominent elven realms made military and political alliances with dwarves, gnomes, and halflings, and even with certain major human tribes (usually Oeridian). Today, elves are dominant in Celene, Sunndi, High folk, the Vesve Forest, and the Lendore Isles.

Elves are concerned with life itself and spend long periods contemplating natural beauty. Long-lived and curious, they enjoy exploration and remember much. Their frolics are usually joyous events, though some gatherings have a melancholy tone. The fine arts are much appreciated. Elves measure kinship in terms of broad, ethnic divisions, though family bloodlines, par ticularly among the nobles, often cross these ethnic boundaries. Valley elves are unique in that they have no social relationship with other elves in the Flanaess, being hated by them for unknown reasons.

Elves normally attire themselves in pale forest hues, though they favor more intense colors in urban settings. Generally, males wear a blouselike shirt over close-fitting hose and soft boots or shoes, while females favor a frock with sash, or a blouse with an ankle length skirt. Hunting garments are typically in neu tral colors like shades of brown, tailored for silent and easy movement. Gray elves wear complex gowns and flowing robes of pure white, sun yellow, and silver and gold set off by polished leather of contrast ing colors, accented by jewels. Wild elves usually wear kilts, boots, and rough shirts. All elves favor cloaks, especially when traveling, typically gray or gray-green.

Elves are fascinated by all types of magic, especially illusions and charms. They also produce superior and elegant magic garments, weapons, and armor.

Half-elves are the offspring of humans and elves. They are highly versatile but not always welcome in elven or human society. They are disproportionately represented among adventurers as a result.

Elves of the Flanaess are more divided. Bright Veluna has a strong elven presence that works unstintingly for good. Nyrond and Furyondy elves are vigilant against evil. The elves of the Highfolk bow no knee to Iuz, but the rulers of Celene are divided and currently favor isolationism. In Sunndi, the gray elves are warlike, aggressive, and hostile; in Lendore, the dominant high elves are philosophers, mystics, and otherworldly. There is no simple racial division within the elves, either; it is not the case that high elves are more inclined to be actively opposed to the evil of the Flanaess than gray or wood elves. What can one say of this timeless people? Some are the greatest hope of the Flanaess, while some seem to do nothing as the world threatens to collapse about them.

The major elf-ruled lands are those of Celene (gray and wood elves), the Duchy of Ulek (wood and high elves), and Lendore (aquatic and high elves). Mountain dwarves dominate Irongate and the Principality of Ulek and are numerous in Ratik. The lands of Ulek, Urnst, Sunndi, Highfolk (especially), and the Valley of the Mage (a unique case) are dominated by mixes of demiumans. Veluna has always had a strong population of high elves and gnomes, and the Gran March and Keoland have had their ranks swelled by high elves and mountain dwarves fleeing Geoff and Sterich.

Feats specific to Elf

A feat represents a talent or an area of expertise that gives a character special capabilities. It embodies training, experience, and abilities beyond what a class provides.

At certain levels, your class gives you the Ability Score Improvement feature. Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking that feature to take a feat of your choice instead. You can take each feat only once, unless the feat’s description says otherwise.

You must meet any prerequisite specified in a feat to take that feat. If you ever lose a feat’s prerequisite, you can’t use that feat until you regain the prerequisite. For example, the Grappler feat requires you to have a Strength of 13 or higher. If your Strength is reduced below 13 somehow — perhaps by a withering curse — you can’t benefit from the Grappler feat until your Strength is restored.


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