Social Class: Upper.

Power Center: Often—nonstandard (elders).

Buildings: Temple (Corellon Larethian), druid grove, fine lodging (10%), fine food (8%), exotic trades (5%), fine trades (20%), fine services (10%), fine residences (44%).

Description: Elf neighborhoods can be places of natural beauty or grotesque parodies, depending on the city. Communities with true respect for elves, and suffi cient resources, allow them to build as they wish. In these instances, structures within the city incorporate and work with natural elements, just as in true elf cities. Elsewhere, these neighborhoods suffer from the grossest human stereotypes of elves, full of impractical tree houses and the like. Sometimes the elves must make do with human-style structures. Regardless, the inhabitants of these districts display a grace of manner and adornment that always impresses visitors. Colors tend toward greens, golds, and earth tones. The air seems fi lled with melody, due in part to the prevalence of the Elven language, and the district smells faintly of loam and growing things.

Plot Hook: Elves on the edges of their district have been targeted by what appear to be racially motivated assaults. If the perpetrators are not uncovered soon, the elves will take matters into their own hands, potentially leading to an all-out race war in the city.


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