
Elredd was once a free city of the Wild Coast. The Wolf Nomad Uroch founded the city a century ago after becoming enamored with civilization. Uroch was a mercenary and captained his own group. He built a fort on the original site of what is now the city of Elredd as a base of operations for his warriors. As his fame spread and more mercenaries flocked to his banner, the fort became the town of Alrad, later Elredd, and eventually grew to become a thriving city. A port of the same name was built a few miles east of the city, on the coast of Woolly Bay. This area became a village itself as trade increased, and then became known as the Port of Elredd. Throughout its existence, Elredd has been a military city and continues to cater to mercenaries of all races.


When Turrosh Mak invaded the southern Wild Coast, Elredd fared poorly. Since many of the city’s residents were mercenaries, the clarion cry of war led professional soldiers to the battlefront, leaving Elredd poorly defended. Sellswords flocked north to other cities of the Wild Coast willing to pay exorbitant prices for experienced warriors. Those with few scruples went south and sold their services to the invading armies of the Pomarj. Ironically, many former citizens of Elredd were part of the humanoid army that sacked the city.


Nearby Towns. While the land around Elredd is dotted with villages and even a few small towns, almost all are now deserted. The inhabited ones are either occupied by a humanoid tribe or are an entire community of slaves and their masters. All of these villages have been extensively looted, and nothing of real value is left in them. Some of the villages have been abandoned for so long that wild animals have begun to lair in the buildings.


Settlements within the Lands of Elredd:


Braxem’s Village


Port Elredd

Now Elredd lies in ruin. Its great wall and fortified towers have been abused, many sections collapsed by damage suffered from ore war machines. Several humanoid tribes—goblins kobolds, orcs, and gnolls—have claimed those buildings that somehow survived the ravages of war. Work has begun on the excavation of tunnels and subterranean lairs in the hills on which the ruins stand. The former citizens of Elredd who survived the invasion and were captured now serve their conquerors as slaves. They live in primitive shelters, shackled together, and are used to grow crops, tend the small herds that roam the fertile hills, and aid in the excavation and rebuilding of the city. They must survive on poor bread, slop, vermin, grains they scrounge from the animal fodder, and spring water found in the hills.


Locations within the City of Elredd:



Main Street

Market Street

The Piers

Rexor’s Mansion

Warehouse Row

The humanoids care little if the slaves live or die. Being true carnivores, these taskmasters are happy to feast on dead slaves. Fear of this fate drives slaves to cling tenaciously to life despite the odds being stacked against them.


Though life is cruel for human slaves, it isn’t entirely pleasant for the humanoids either, even by their skewed standards. The weaker tribes mostly goblins and kobolds — are practically slaves to the larger races, forced to labor at excavating the underground tunnels and fighting for whatever food is left. Orcs and gnolls oppress the goblins and kobolds in part to keep them from fighting among themselves and partly just out of cruel spite. Food is scarce, plunder is lean, discipline is harsh, and morale is at an all-time low. Fear of Turrosh Mak’s wrath and the attack of human and demihuman forces from the free lands is the only thing that binds these disparate tribes together.


Sean K. Reynolds and Chris Pramas. Greyhawk Adventures, Slavers, 2000


Wild Coast

Articles under Elredd


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