Encounters at the Theatre and the Opera House

The main function of both these places is to allow the DM to set up encounters with, or simply allow the PCs the sight of, major NPCs among the upper crust of Greyhawk. Almost any such NPC can be seen in one or the other location- any Director , most mages, sages, and learned men (lawyers, scribes, those who work in the Clerkburg), and NPCs such as Pavel Alektnon, Vesparian Lafanel (watching Celene bards), Harral Shastri, Samrad Bevrain (hunting for business), Jamir Rellstar, Lady Valderesse Sham, and even upwardly mobile guild heads.

Such people may be introduced to the PCs by a friendly NPC in the refreshment lounge between the acts of plays, or the PCs can simply have people pointed out to them. These places allow the player characters to see many important NPCs in the same place at the same time. They are also places the PCs should be seen in if they want to gain social standing in the city.

Of course, adventures can be started in these locations. The rivalry between the Grand Theatre and the Royal Opera can get out of control, with one faction even calling in thieves, saboteurs and the like to deal with the other, or worse! Kahari could appeal to elven or half-elven PCs for help. Aestrella might use her charm person spells to get the PCs to help stop the discord. Having a thief or even an assassin (e.g., one in the gantries using a blowgun with poisoned darts) active in a packed house could lead to a frantic cross-town chase, or even a pursuit through the sewers (you may locate an exit to the sewers below the stage, for example).

Another avenue to adventure is for PCs in need of cash to get jobs as stage hands, special effects men (mages and especially illusionist specialists)-or even entertainers, in the case of bards or PCs with a relevant skill or nonweapon proficiency. (Kahari will react very favorably to an elven or half-elven bard; however, any character must obtain membership in the Guild of Entertainers and Performing Artistes before he can be hired.) There are many ways in which these two cultural establishments can be used to set up fun role-playing and encounters for PCs.


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