Encounters with the Knights

Valderesse may approach the PCs assuming they are non-evil-with a plan for a raid on Admundfort, or even a plan for reinvading the Shield Lands, if the DM wishes an adventure on this scale.

Alternatively, one of the Knights could vanish-perhaps a victim of the Shriven Sickle (see Chapter 5)-and Valderesse could approach the PCs for help. As a variant on this theme, the Shapechangers or the evil denizens of Old Mother Grubb's (both also described in Chapter 5) could be responsible.

Third, Valderesse could need a mes sage taken to Furyondy for her. Her own trusted courier has fallen ill, or vanished, or might be away elsewhere. Valderesse has many friends in the noble houses of Furyondy and Veluna or Umst (as the DM determines), and this could lead to the PCs being commissioned for courier missions or adventures by those folk. This is a good route into lawful good high society for PCs to whom this would be suited.

Artur is also readily encountered at the shrine of Heironeous (of whom he is a devoted follower), or on a rare self indulgence-in the Old City at a drinking contest (Artur loves good ale and dwarven folk, so the Gold Digger [location T8) and the Barge Inn [location R11) are good possibilities).

More generally, as potential encounter locations for any Knight of Holy Shielding, the Sanctum of Heironeous (location G14) or the temple of Rao (location R12) are obvious possibilities. Finally, any Knight can be introduced by having him or her witness a crime-perhaps one committed by a thief, by Clannar Black shadow (see Chapter 5), or another NPC in this chapter-and talk to a PC about it. ("Wasn't that appalling? Stay with me, good friend, and we shall seek the Watch" and move on from there.)

So far as permanent locations are concerned, the Knights have taken a large building in the High Quarter (location H2) which is home to all of their number.

Of course, a classical stunt for the DM to pull is to have the PCs meet Valderesse, be bowled over by her charm and Charisma, and then have her kidnapped for ransom (she, and the Knights, have tens of thousands of gp equivalent in the city). PCs to the rescue!


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