Ending the Battle

Barring special conditions, a battle is over when all of one side’s units are defeate d. Defeated units are those who fled, or were destroyed or broken at the end of the battle. Both players gain experience equal to the weight of the units they defeat; the winning player doubles that experience reward. Players take stability damage equal to the weight of their own units that were destroyed. The DM may award additional experience, mana, artifacts, etc. based on the scenario’s conditions.

The losing army (or side, if there are remaining units from an allied group of armies) must retreat to an adjacent hex after the battle.

Veteran Units

When you win a battle, choose one of your surviving units to become a veteran. This veteran permanently receives +1 to their maximum hit points. This veteran bonus can only be applied once to a unit.

Prisoners of War

If you win a battle, make a Raiding check against a Scouting check made by your opponent. If you succeed, the difference between both totals is the total unit weight you can capture among any surviving enemies that fled or were broken at the end of the battle. These captured units are considered prisoners of war and are kept off-map until an agreement can be reached for their exchange or terms of surrender force their return.

Alternatively, you can execute those prisoners. This deals no stability damage to the prisoners’ realm and no one gains experience or fame.


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