
The entrances to the sewers are iron grates placed generally at roadsides throughout the city. The Undercity map shows the location of all used and unused sewer grates.

Each grate is locked in place, though all foremen on the city work crews have keys. Citizens are discouraged from venturing into the sewers, and if they are discovered there (almost always by sewermen), they are asked to leave. The City Watch is summoned only if the citizens are unruly or obviously dangerous.

The locks on the grates can be picked with the normal chance of success. Members of the Assassins' Guild don't even have to pick them-their guildmaster has obtained a copy of the key and had one made for each guild member.

The grate can be unlocked from the inside or outside, though lockpicking attempts from inside the sewer have only 1/2 the normal chance of success as the angle is very awkward.

Each grate leads to a vertical pipe about six feet in diameter, and 12 to 24 feet long. Ladder rungs are set into the side of the pipe, which ends at the bottom by opening into the top of one of the main sewer pipes.


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