Equipment and Money

Zero-level characters are often, but not always, poor. They often begin play with more money than a first-level character, since they have not yet spent their funds on teachers and equipment. As a general rule, zero-level characters begin the game with normal clothing and 20-200 gp (2d10x10).

The DM may choose to substitute these starting funds with other, more appropriate forms of wealth. For example, if the PCs are children of herdsman nomads, they may own weapons, food, and horses, but have no cash. Or, some wealthy adventurer may have died recently, and a PC has inherited his equipment and his spoils from adventures. DMs might start whole campaigns by giving a PC an enchanted item or one with a dreadful curse. Even weak magic can give characters enough self-confidence to adventure and an incentive to live up to the item’s legacy.

Using Magical Equipment

Zero-level characters may employ any magical item. The use of magical items that are limited to one class is a class skill, so zero-level characters must study or make luck rolls to learn the secrets of these devices. Each item must be studied separately. Zero-level characters can even use scroll spells, although they have high chances of failure, as shown in the DMG. It costs one AP per magical item learned.


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