
Luther began work on a castle at Eyeberen as soon as the Horned Society lands fell. This construction is now almost complete. The castle town is now a garrison center with 350 troops who rotate with the defenders stationed along the Veng.

The Viscounty’s able General Mauritian Declenn, who is based in Eyeberen, is a brilliant overseer of the area. He readily sees the value of magic in keeping track of what is happening along the river. Great staves are planted along the riverside with magic mouths which respond if a goblinoid comes within range. Spells such as alarm, wyvern watch and the like are used by the junior priests that Mauritian takes pains to recruit into his forces. Mauritian has also accumulated good supplies of orcbane from Pantarn through an agent of his there. Mauritian’s household troops are keen-eyed archers with good discipline and morale.

Castle Eyeberen is dominated by four massive towers. The castle is said to have many magical detection spell guarding its walls. Mauritian’s resident diviner, the one eyed ex-Johrase bandit, Janzipir, weaves his spells and stares at crystal balls. His laboratory is filled with pulsing magical rods and staves, bizarre hourglasses with colored sands and swirling vapors. If a goblinoid foray is about to appear across the Veng, Janzipir knows well in advance. The soldiers and ordinary folk around the castle shudder at the mention of the malign wizard, and there are mutterings and wild rumors of all kinds about him, but there are enough watchmen who owe their lives to his warnings for him to find a welcome of sorts here.


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