F10: City Watch Station

This is the Foreign Quarter outpost of the Watch, as detailed in Ch2 FFF.

F10: Foreign Quarter City Watch Station. The Watch here sees an average amount of activity each week, usually in the areas of trying to break protection rackets and chasing off those who would prey on foreigners. The Watch knows the Thieves’ Guild controls gambling here, but nothing is done about that; it isn’t illegal to gamble, so long as no legs are broken. Unfortunately, in this quarter, a lot of roughing up occurs over gambling debts, with more than a few murders, A number of foreign criminals and gangs have toeholds in this area, and intrigue is thick. The Watch is primarily concerned about the safety of the Guildhall of Moneychangers and Pawnbrokers (F6).

DM's Notes: The Watch here has some prejudice against certain foreigners, particularly those from the Wild Coast, as refugees from that area have been involved in an increasing number of violent ctimes here. Narwell men in particular are often seen as thugs, muggers, and enforcers. Rhennee are also disliked. Some mercenaries from the local guild (F1) tend to pick fights, and the wrestlers from the Pit are a constant irritant. See also the “DM’s Notes” for the Nightwatchmen’s Guildstation (F13).


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