F11: Translators' Guildhall

The small offices of this guild are contained here. Translators here can read and write most of the major languages from the area around Greyhawk. When someone needs a translation in a language not known at the guildhall, the character will be directed to someone else in the Foreign Quarter who can perform the translation.

F11: Translators’ Guildhall. The Guild of Translators is made up of men and women who have excellent skills in reading, writing, and speaking foreign tongues. At the present time, all the major languages and nearly all the minor ones are covered by this guild, which comprises only 18 people. As Common is so widespread, the need for translators in a city as cosmopolitan as Greyhawk might seem unnecessary, but many merchants and diplomats here wish exacting translations of written documents and agreements. The guild will not translate legal documents written in Ancient Suloise, as this is the purview of the Guild of Lawyers, Scribes, and Accountants. The use of Ancient Suloise gives the latter guild its monopoly over legal settlements.

DM's Notes: Several members of this guild speak languages not common to the Flanaess, as these individuals hail from far away or have spent long periods of time away from the Flanaess. The DM may invent these NPCs and their unusual backgrounds as best fits the campaign. One translator might have arrived on Oerth aboard a spelljammer from another world (adding a link to the SPELLJAMMER campaign), and another might have come here from another AD&D campaign world by planar travel (adding a link to the PLANESCAPE campaign).


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