F12: Red Serpent Restaurant

This restaurant specializes in an assortment of pepper-and-rice dishes all of which are exceedingly spicy to the unprepared Greyhawk palate. The Red Serpent has a small but slowly growing and very loyal clientele. Also served here is an assortment of strong, cold drink, much recommended for soothing the fi ery burn that lingers long after the food is gone. The meals are expensive but proclaimed very much worth it by the restaurant's loyal customers.

F12: Red Serpent Restaurant. The Red Serpent Restaurant specializes in many sorts of pepper-and-tice, stir-fried dishes that strike local Greyhawkers as extremely spicy and prone to causing heartburn, among other types of gastric distress. However, the Red Serpent has a very loyal clientele of local and foreign folk willing to eat here once every week or two, if not mote often. Bread and cold drinks are served as well, the drinks cooled in a small, magically operated refrigerator in the kitchen. (Greyhawkers are not accustomed to cold drinks — nearly all of their ale and other alcoholic beverages are served quite warm.) The owner, Cevin Efstri [NG hm WS; hp 10] and his wife Enkar [NG hf F5; hp 25], claim they came to Greyhawk from an unidentified barbarian land. They never carry weapons and appear quite cheerful, though both are notorious practical jokers.

DM's Notes: Both Cevin and Enkar are experienced at a foreign type of martial art that involves unarmed fighting with open hands and kicks. The DM can determine how this style operates in game terms. They are willing to teach others how to perform this type of combat for a considerable fee. (It is expensive, as teaching takes time away from other pursuits, like work.)


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