F13: Guildstation of the Nightwatchmen

This guildhouse is identical to those described in Ch2 FFF.

F13: Nightwatchmen’s Guildstation. This guildstation sees a lot of business in this quarter, as the foreign “residents” here rightfully do not trust each other or the city’s many thieves. All of the inns, taverns, restaurants, and other public facilities here are put under constant guard at night; the Pit hires its own guards, usually thugs from the Thieves’ Guild. The Mercenaries’ Guildhall needs no protection, as its occupants are well able to protect themselves. Duty in Burrow Heights (F14) is considered very easy; duty anywhere near the Pit (F8) is considered tough.

DM's Notes: An additional problem is that clerics of Pholtus (see R8) and Trithereon (R14) from the River Quarter often wander through the Foreign Quarter in search of either chaos (for the former) or law (for the latter) to quell. This means religiously based street fights occur about once a month; most result in moderate injuries and beatings, but some have ended with deaths and spellcasting. Both of these priesthoods are likely to turn on the Nightwatchmen who intervene, as the guild’s connections to St. Cuthbert’s church (G4) are well known.


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