F16: “Little Ket."

F16: “Little Ket.” This one-story, L-shaped residence and its outbuildings and corrals is rented by a consortium of merchants from Lopolla in Ket. Neighbors and the Watch call this area “Little Ket,” and many Baklunish visitors stop here briefly while passing through the city. Shrines to Istus and other Baklunish deities are everywhere, with paintings, carpets, wall hangings, pottery, utensils, and more all manufactured in Ket or farther west. The folk here are distant but friendly, and the odd smell of their mildly spicy food is everywhere. The leader here is an elderly man named Alzahim [LN hm 17; hp 24; Int 18, Cha 17; cloak of protection AL who has a superb grasp of diplomacy and negotiation.

From Adventure Begins

DMs Notes: One interesting group of permanent residents here is a mercenary group knowh as Wasim Qharallah’s Golden Scimitar, which hails from Tusmit. This is a group of six to ten watriors of levels 5-8, some with other talents (thief, wizard, or priest). They are led by Wasim Qharallah [N hm F12; hp 82; Str 18 /44, Dex 16, Con 16; chain mail +3, scimitar +4, ring of regeneration] and an albino Suloise woman named Sheroyl Kubiak [N hf W10; hp 27; many scrolls, ring of protection +3, several magical daggers | who worships Wee Jas.

The group had terrible trouble finding work in Greyhawk until the Kettite merchants took them on as resident guards to ward off thieves, protection attempts, and so forth. The group was highly successful, and though the Tusmit men aren't especially fond of Kettites, they have elected to stay. The group’s individual members can be hired for short missions, though the group as a whole can no longer be hired to anyone else. The Tusmit men seal all agreements with blood from their pricked thumbs.


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