F4: Blue Dragon Inn

The owner of this inn, Felipe Namarhz, doesn't have a lot of originality, but he knows what he likes. And he likes the Sil ver Dragon Inn.

Felipe set out to copy the Silver Dragon in every way possible, from the appearance of the building to the contents of his menu.

He has succeeded in every aspect save one: quality. The Blue Dragon Inn is indeed a poor sister to the grand establishment next door.

Nearly everything available at the Silver Dragon is available here, in imitation form, though the price is an exact replica of the Silver Dragon's. Consequently, the Blue Dragon Inn is rarely crowded. Even so, the service is still terrible.

Felipe imposes the same dress code as does Olaf Al-Azul at the Silver Dragon, though his bouncers are less formidable: two 3rd-level fighters.

The only reason Felipe stays in busi ness is that he is secretly financed by Duke Garand (see location F7). These subsidies have also guaranteed that Felipe will do anything the Duke asks him to.

F4: Blue Dragon Inn. The Blue Dragon started as an exact copy of the Silver Dragon Inn & (F2) in every respect but one: quality. The owner, Felipe Namarhz, was incompetent and his inn had few customers, but Felipe (a former mercenary) was backed by a Foreign Quarter loan shark named Duke Garand. When the “Duke” was found to be running a bookmaking operating at the Pit (F8), he had a sudden and unfortunate accident at the menagerie of Lord Henway of High Quarter (H2). It is whispered that the Thieves’ Guild arranged the Duke's tragic visit to the hell hound exhibit, since the thieves enforced a strict monopoly over gambling operations at the Pit. With Duke Garand gone, Felipe’s business collapsed and the building went into foreclosure.

A brighter future was in store, however. A Perrenlander mercenary named Gustin Longpike [LN em F3; hp 18; many potions] became a Greyhawk citizen and purchased the inn with his share of a dragon’s treasure hoard he and some friends took in the Yatils. The dragon happened to be a blue one, and its carefully preserved head and foreclaws are now displayed in the drinking hall on the second floor. The inn now boasts the best Perrender menu in the city and has been redecorated in the style of Gustin’s homeland (dark wood with elaborately carved trim, with many military flags and shields of the Flanaess hung from the walls).

The Blue Dragon is now closing in on the Silver Dragon for sheer popularity in this quarter. Gustin has converted part of the first floor into a meeting hall for the Guild of Ostlers and Brewers; he was elected guildmaster in 590 CY for the next four years. The house ale is called Witch Queen’s Cauldron and is very powerful.

DM's Notes: Gustin Longpike is a loud advocate of democracy, a radical concept to most Greyhawkers except within limited areas such as guild elections and the recently formed advisory committee called the Public Council of Greyhawk. Gustin is happy to aggressively debate politics with anyone. Gustin is also one of the few people who can say he knows the archmage Mordenkainen personally, as he wotked for the wizard a few times on missions in the Yatils. He cannot say he’s a close friend of Mordenkainen, but he thinks well of the wizard and passes along interesting information to the Circle of Eight. A character who must talk to Mordenkainen would do well to see Gustin first.


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