F9: Cartographers' Guildhall

The front of this modest building contains a small office and a reception room. Here potential customers can interview cartographers about their knowledge, and hire a map viewing or copying session.

For a few sp, a character can be admitted to the Hall of the Flanaess, the large area to the rear of the building. The entire floor of this room is a detailed mosaic, hand-lettered, depicting the known reaches of the Flanaess.

An additional sp will purchase an opportunity of studying any map in the extensive library here. There are detailed maps of most of the nations, and street maps for the major cities, throughout the Flanaess. Purchase of a map generally runs about 10 gp.

Most of these maps, of course, need to be created and introduced to the game by the DM as necessary. Use them as tools for future adventures or clues to an ongoing mystery in your campaign, among other things.

F9: Cartographers’ Guildhall. Once the home of a self-declared noble of the Foreign Quarter, this three-story residence is now owned by the Guild of Cartographers after Duke Garand’s unfortunate demise (see F4). Easy-to-read, good quality maps of the City of Greyhawk and the Domain of Greyhawk (as well as street maps of Elmshire, Narwell, Safeton, and Hardby) can be purchased on the first floor for 10 gp each; merely peering at a map in this guild’s library costs a silver noble. Many other maps are available, of varying accuracy and price. Nautical charts and route maps for caravans are commonly sold here. The guildmaster is the aged gnome and Master Cartographer, Jawan Sumbar [N gm T15 /W17 (illusionist hp 34; Int 17, Dex 16, Cha 15; many scrolls and potions], rumored to be centuries old and familiar with the whole Flanaess and areas beyond. Though it is true he traveled to many such places, he last saw most of them a long time ago, and his memory of people and places is likely to be quite dated. Jawan and the other cartographers are very interested in any old maps that adventurers bring to them, and they will happily buy many such maps and unfamiliar books on geography.

DM's Notes: Dungeon maps are especially sought. When guild funds are low, they pick out a few dungeon maps from their collections, redraw them to make the maps appear to be authentically old and ragged, pen ina few more treasure rooms, then hire middlemen to sell them in the Low Market and various taverns around Greyhawk. The guild does have many very old and unusual maps that characters might investigate en route to huge amounts of treasure and adventure.


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