Facing a Unit in Several Directions - The Square

Sometimes a player may want to change the facing of only some of the figures in a unit—to defend against an anticipated attack, for example, by forming a square with all four sides facing outward so that none of the figures can be attacked from the rear.

Figures that are not in contact with enemy units can change facing—even if other figures in the unit begin the movement step in contact with enemy figures. To determine how much of a unit's movement allowance is required to make multiple facing changes, simply add up the movement costs of the different maneuvers that need to be performed.

For example, forming a regular unit into a square requires some figures to make a right face turn (2" cost), some to make a left face (2"), and some to make an about face (4"). Thus, the unit spends 8" of its movement allowance to perform the maneuver. See the illustration on page 28 for examples of square formations.

A unit with figures facing in more than one direction cannot move, except to change frontage (see below), to perform facing changes, or to wheel one or more portions of itself around to make all of its figures face the same direction. A unit can only move across the battlefield, changing its physical location, when all of its figures are facing the same direction.

A unit with multiple facing can also re-form into a single facing by changing frontage (see below). Each figure that is moved during a change of frontage can be faced in whatever direction the player desires.


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