Fantastic Creatures

By their very mass, large creatures like dragons can be very effective against fortifications. Creatures of huge size have AD 10 against building features, while creatures of gargantuan size have AD 12.

Certain creatures have significant effects against fortifications for reasons other than sheer mass. For example, because of their kinship with the stone, earth elementals can do great damage. Treants, too, can tear down walls by insinuating their root-like limbs between the stones and tearing them apart. Details on this are given in a subsequent section.

Siege Attack Values

Means of Attack Damage to Wood Damage to Earth Damage to Soft Stone Damage to Hard Stone
Earth elemental 2d12 4d12 2d12 3d6
Giant (cloud, stone, or storm) 3d8 -- 2d10 6
Giant (fire or frost) 2d12 -- 2d10 6
Giant (hill) 2d10 -- 6 4
Giant-hurled boulders cloud, fire, or frost 3d10 -- 2d12 3d6
Giant-hurled boulders stone or storm 3d12 -- 3d10 2d12
Golem (iron) 3d8 2d10 2d12 2d10
Golem (stone) 3d8 2d10 2d10 6
Treant 4d12 2d12 2d12 3d6


* Per round of attack.

** These figures are not attack dice. Instead, they represent the total number of hits done to structures within their area of effect. Obviously, spells like these are devastatingly powerful. For instance, an earthquake spell can instantly breach a wall of soft stone.

*** Damage is increased by 1 hit for each 3 levels the spellcaster possesses. This also assumes fire damage. If a wooden target is protected by green hides, is wet, etc., reduce damage by 50%.


The table above lists the AD values associated with various forms of attack. Traditional siege engines are described in more detail in a later section.


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