
In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game, Fey is a type of creature, or "creature type". Fey, also known as faeries, are usually humanoid in form, and are typified as having supernatural abilities and a connection to nature or to some other force or place.   Fey can dwell in almost any environment, from the depths of the oceans, to the cities, to other planes of existence. Typically, however, they're associated with the woodlands, where they share the terrain with elves, druids, werebears, and other creatures. There are also magical places hidden deep in the heart of the wood, "deep sylvan" realms where only the faerie folk know how to travel. Others are rare visitors to these places, though some few stumble in on occasion, losing their senses of direction and time. Avatars of the sylvan gods may appear on special occasions below earthy mounds marked by faerie rings. Titania's magic helps maintain these special places. Faerie lands include the Seelie Court and the Court of Rings. The Plane of Faerie as described in the 3rd edition Manual of the Planes is a land of eternal twilight coexistent with the Prime Material Plane. In the 4th edition of the D&D game, the plane of Faerie is also known as the Feywild.   Fey possess a wide variety of shapes and sizes, too many to be easily summarized, although an elflike appearance or characteristics of plant life are common, as are insectoid wings.   Fey may possess any alignment, though chaotic alignments are common. Fey are broadly divided between the Seelie and Unseelie Courts. Seelie fey are considered good and Unseelie fey are considered evil, though both are unconcerned with the wants and needs of mortals. Seelie Court fey often lure and kidnap mortals to dally with them romantically or invite them to their feasts, and Unseelie Court fey may bring them to their own feasts, as the main course.   Many fey are wanderers or live alone, but many others live in families or houses, known as kelir in the Sylvan tongue. Fey families are generally matriarchal. Both the Seelie and Unseelie Courts feature houses (or kelir) of noble fey, who are often embroiled with feuds between them. The house that loses a feud may find itself banished from fey society; in the Unseelie Court, losing houses may be slaughtered. Fey mothers sometimes leave their children with mortals to protect them, or send their young out on lengthy quests in order to save them from being used as pawns. Fey feuds may last hundreds or even thousands of years.   Fey, who often live for millennia, see time as cyclical, with birth and death being only stages in the great circle. Fey can predict their natural deaths several decades in advance, and celebrate their last years before undergoing the Rite of Ultimate Passage, in which their knowledge is ceremonially passed down to their heirs.   Good and neutral fey typically worship Ehlonna or the Seelie Court. Wicked fey often worship the Queen of Air and Darkness. In the early spring the power of Faerie runs high, and the elves celebrate the holiday of Faerieluck to remind themselves of their ancient kinship with the fey.   Fey speak Sylvan.


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