Finding Water

Attributes: .................Wisdom & Agility

Level: .........................DF: 3 BCS 40%; 500 Exp

In a survival situation, after shelter, finding water is the most important thing. The skill assumes a water rich environment, in dry conditions such as grassy steppes the character’s chance of finding drinkable water is at ½ PSF%. In desert terrain this will tumble to ¼ PSF% of finding water and a crit die result of 6-10 for it to be drinkable. Alkali water and high turbidity make water poisonous to man and beast.

Those who are in familiar territory and have the skill Finding One’s Location have a better chance of finding water, gaining a bonus of +2D10% to their PSF%.

A character can check to see if he has discovered water after 1 hour of searching in a water rich environment or after 3 hours in a dry environment. In a desert type of terrain the search can be 6 hours or longer. If they are in the general area of a known source the search time before a check can be 10 minutes. The table below Finding Water Results gives details of results from the crit die.


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