Fioranna Aielestriel Ambassador from Nyrond

AC 3 to - 2 (ring of protection + 3 and Dex 18; robe of scintillating colors MV 12; M12; hp 28; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 +3 dagger +3 Str9, Dex 18, Con 9, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 18; AL NG (CG). Spells: 4 1st, 4 2nd (but see below), 4 3rd, 4 4th, 4 5th, and 1 6th.

Magical items: ring of protection + 3, robe of scintillating colors, dagger + 3, dust of illusion, dust of disappearance, amulet of proof against detection and lo cation, ring of wizardry (doubles 2nd level spells).

The beautiful and demure gray elf representative of Nyrond stands just 5'0" tall and weighs a mere 83 lbs., but the force of her personality is considerable. Her shining violet eyes and ready smile grace a high-cheekboned face, topped with a nimbus of fine, silver-gray hair. She wears earrings and a neck choker resplendent with scintillating emeralds, and dresses in creams, blues, and silvers. She is 712 years old but appears to be in her late 20s in human terms.

Since Nyrond is the most important single supplier and buyer of the goods which pass through Greyhawk, the presence of an ambassador to represent that country's commercial interests raises few eyebrows. Eyebrows are raised for Fioranna as herself, not for her role in politics. Fioranna is known to be a mage, but she poses as one of minor accomplishment-a ruse that is accepted by all in the absence of evidence to the contrary. It would not square well with her alleged mercantile role to be known as a powerful elven wizard.

The choice of an elf for ambassador by the rulers of Nyrond was particularly smart because of the way Fioranna and her post are perceived by the people of Greyhawk. They generally assume that Fioranna was given this job because she has a lot of time on her hands (as elves do). Further, elves are not common in Nyrond, and the choice of a nonhuman suggests to many people that this posting is not deemed of importance in Nyrond and that, therefore, that great nation does not particularly attach importance to events in the Free City.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Fioranna's major secret function is to act as a representative of the interests of the Iron League , which has a treaty of mutual assistance with Nyrond. Shipments of foodstuffs, cloths, and weapons headed down the Selintan River and on to Onnwal and beyond are desperately needed to maintain the southern buffer to the Great Kingdom, and Fioranna oversees this trade and reports to her superiors in Rel Mord. Much support for the Iron League comes directly from Nyrond (materials shipped across Relmor Bay), but many other supplies-and also exports-have to be shipped to and from Scant and ports beyond, via Greyhawk.

Fioranna specializes in mind-affecting spells and concealments such as invisibility to allow her to pass freely and undetected in many areas of the city, as she watches over the precious shipments of supplies. To further serve this purpose. she uses items from the small store of magical gear she has brought with her. Should she need to do so, she can teleport back to Rel Mord and obtam scrolls of almost any wizard spells, and necessary permanent magical items.

She does her best to collect gossip and intrigue relating to the Oligarchs, although she has not discovered anything especially scandalous in her five years spent in Greyhawk to date; she is very wary of stepping out of line and being discovered snooping. Her meetings with Gasgal are purely formal and deal with trade to and from Nyrond only, and she carefully sustams the appearance of being a token representative. She often visits the Star of Celene (location G5).


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