Fire Trap

A fire trap is a wonderful way to protect your belongings, since if the caster gives you the password, you can bypass the trap without any trouble: a great step forward in convenience when compared to mechanical traps, which treat all comers alike.

A fire trap doesn’t deal as much damage as explosive runes, but on the other hand it doesn’t pose a threat to the object it protects.

Smart characters link a fire trap with a permanent alarm or some other system to alert the character or guards to the fact that someone has set off the fire trap. Otherwise, the intruder might recover and move on without anyone realizing her presence.

The DC to find and to disable a fire trap is 27 (or 29 if created by a wizard or sorcerer).

Casting: 85 gp (Drd3) or 305 gp (Wiz7) or 345 gp (Sor8)


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