
This grim citadel is of fiendish design and construction, with twisted towers and walls, viciously barbed iron railings, and grotesquely obscene fountains and decorated stonework. The castle houses a sizeable force of humanoids, used as scouts and skirmishers In the Fellreev forest. Troops rotate between this place and the three unnamed northern camps below the Fellreev. Jebli orcs and hobgoblins are less common than Uroz in these camps.

Fleichshriver also has another purpose. Boneheart members Jumper, Null and Halga all visit here, researching new spells and magical effects. Something of the magic of the Abyss itself seems to infect this forsaken place, and many of its dungeons are chambers with magical qualities of their own. Here, the mighty spellcasters can experiment with profoundly destructive.


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