
This type of movement is generally performed when a player wants to put a lot of distance between one of his units and an enemy unit. When a player announces that his unit will attempt to flee, the enemy unit immediately gets a free attack on the fleeing unit (regardless of which movement step is taking place).

After this attack is made, casualties are removed, and any morale checks resulting from the combat are resolved, the fleeing unit makes an immediate about face turn (at no movement cost) and moves in a straight line away from the enemy unit, up to the limit of its movement allowance. Note that if the result of a morale check calls for the unit to fall back 4", it does not fall back, but proceeds with its flight instead.

If the unit routs as the result of a morale check following the combat, it performs rout movement (see page 33). Flight is physically identical with rout movement; however, a unit that is fleeing (but not routed) does not require other nearby friendly units to make morale checks. Also, a unit that is fleeing is not required to keep fleeing turn after turn (as is the case with rout movement, unless the routed unit rallies).


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