Fomenting Unrest

Naas has also been responsible for giving money to a real irritant in the Free City, the rabble-rouser Archael Hamalen. Hamalen is a Tenha who works as a laborer and lives in one of a number of abjectly wretched flop-houses. Pernicious Greyhawker landlords make a nice profit from such places by exploiting foreign laborers and folk come upon hard times. Hamalen is only a Normal Man in statistical terms, but he has Cha 18. His impassioned oratory to expatriates at public meetings stirs up trouble and unrest for the authorities. They would like to arrest and exile him, but making this popular fellow a martyr might make matters worse than they are already. Naas’ money was donated anonymously (but, carefully, not so anonymously that it couldn’t be traced by the authorities), and used by Archael to print pamphlets that have been circulating among the disgruntled exiles of the poorer areas of Grevhawk Citv.

When the authorities discovered Naas' donation , Nerof wondered what the Brotherhood agent might be up to. He still hasn’t figured it out, and it confuses him. This is exactly what Ghrigiel intended. The Brotherhood has no interest in Archael, nor in the partisan neighborhood patrols he advocates to defend refugees against assaults from Greyhawkers, nor any of his other well-meaning but hare-brained schemes. Their opportunistic support of him was simply meant to sow confusion in the minds of the Directors, and more such smoke-screens will be plotted by Ghrigiel in coming months.


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