Ford Keep

Construction work has just begun on a castle keep to protect the ford here that connects the River Road to the main road to Dyvers, which has been improved during the current spring (CY 585) for some of its length westward. Some 60 dwarven engineers and stonemasons are at work on this project, which is to be rushed through to completion as soon as possible, supplemented by some 80 human laborers. Three young brothers, all mages, help here with levitation spells, and one of them (Parrick Gurmian, an 8th-level wizard) polymorphs himself into a stone giant to provide additional lifting capacity.

The stone being used here is shipped from the Cairn Hill quarries on the north side of the Selintan.

A force of twenty men-at-arms, with a 5th- level sergeant leader, is stationed here to protect the laborers. The work is hard: a typical shift is 11 working days, 12 hours per day, followed by three free days to recover and rest. Those days are usually spent dead drunk in one of the more dubious areas of the Free City.


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