Forest Locations

There are no substantial settlements within the Gamboge Forest, and no base of forest rangers like those found in the Gnarley, Vesve, or Celadon Forests. There are, however, small groups of Brothers of the Bronze among the new settlements which are springing up. In the Gamboge, members of this group train woodsmen in fighting skills, bring in weapons for folk to defend themselves, and even attend to such mundane business as teaching the children of the woodsmen about the wars, the great forests of the Flanaess, and the need for woodsmen of different lands to ally with each other. The Brothers go quietly about their work, but their contribution to morale and a sense of community among the people of the forest is considerable.

The Gamboge has a few reputed evil ruins, dangerous haunts, and sunken temples of vile goblinoid gods, but in truth these are few compared with the Gnarley or Vesve forests. Outside of the goblinoids and their vile, brutish deities and shamans, there has not been a history of evil stalking these woodlands. If the Dungeon Master wishes to devise some buried evils, dungeons or ruins within this forest, arcane and powerfully magical locations will not fit well with the nature of these woodlands.


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