Fort Gellner

Named after the previous Commander of the Cairn Hills militia, this strongly fortified stone and wooden fort houses 120 militia selected for their toughness and high degree of discipline. The fort is being completed, having been rebuilt from the ruins of an old stronghold in the land previously controlled by the Duchy to the east.

Of the militia, 10 are members of the elite Mountaineer Militia (see entry for the Abbor-Alz for details). Patrols (at least 10 strong) operate in all nearby areas within the hills, and spying missions with the Mountaineers’ griffons extend well to the south and past the borders with Urnst (by arrangement). The garrison’s remit includes tracking down and slaying monsters and groups of humanoids; the men here are warlike. This is a posting where the men see action, and their wages (double normal) reflect that.


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