Free Borough

This is a free town of 2,900 people, standing at the junction of three provinces. Free Borough is a central trade town, ruled by a mayor and seven councilors elected by householders, merchants and artisans.

The town does not maintain any troops, only a serious town watch, keeping outsiders in line. It is against the law in Free Borough to wear armor heavier than leather or bear large weapons such as bows, swords and the like in public. Adventurers who flaunt the law in Free Borough may soon find themselves locked in the local magistrate’s jail.

Free Borough is the place where people within Furyondy come when they’re at a loose ends, be they hopeful adventurers, mercenaries who aren’t sure which noble to apply for service, or merchants looking for any opportunity to come their way. It is a liberal, cosmopolitan town with an optimistic atmosphere. Arts, crafts, bardic talents and the old bright life of Furyondy still sparkle here. Free Borough’s rulers stubbornly resist claims on their territory and pay only a nominal tax to the crown and also to Luther, since the town lies within his fief. All other rights of citizens of a free town are jealously protected.


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