From THE GREYHAWK Wars TO THE PRESENT - The World Beyond the Flanaess

It is now the first day of Needfest, 591 Cy. Seven years have passed since the Pact of Greyhawk was signed in the Free City of that name.

Much has happened since then, as one would expect. The startling restoration of the archmage Tenser in mid-585 Cy, followed by the announcement that the Circle of Eight was once again at full number, heartened many people in the difficult days after the end of the wars. But that was only the first of many events that have brought the world to its present state of balance and tension.

The World Beyond the Flanaess

A grand period of exploration beyond the Flanaess is beginning, fed by many needs in the wake of the wars and struggles that have spanned the region.

With the decline in trade from the east because of the Greyhawk Wars and Iuz’s continued grip on the north, the Baklunish states look westward across the Dramidj Ocean. Ships from Zeif and Ekbir now reportedly cruise the length and breadth of this sea, exploring the many islands there and establishing communication with a group of old cities and kingdoms on the far western shores of the ocean. Some ships are said to have gone farther west to search for new realms beyond. Overland traders have crossed the Dry Steppes and met many new peoples and kingdoms on the way and on the far side, some of the latter being the same folk contacted by Baklunish ships. Stories have long been told of a vast empire of great antiquity beyond a distant range of mountains far to the west. The Baklunish knew of this kingdom before the Greyhawk Wars, but had little trade there before now. This situation seems ready to change.

As a side effect of all this, a number of ancient city and town ruins of the Baklunish Empire have been rediscovered. The locations of most cities were well known from maps carefully copied and saved by the Baklunish over the centuries, but their present condition has remained a mystery.

The discovery in 577 Cy of the legendary Passage of Slerotin, which runs from the Yeomanry to the Sea of Dust through the Crystalmists, has led to the establishment of an adventurers’ town in the Yeomanry called Dark Gate. Many wizards, sages, and treasure hunters are collecting here, hoping to explore the caverns leading out of this tunnel passage as well as the lost Suloise cities beyond, gaining knowledge and magic. One ruined Suloise city, Zinbyle, lies not far from the southwestern end of the Passage in the Sea of Dust, and is currently being investigated. However, some parties have vanished in the Passage, and rumors of a subterranean war involving albino dwarves have begun to circulate. (A derro Uniting War has probably started, threatening many underground communities such as those of the drow and mind flayers. Many raiders and refugees are about, and “UnderOerth” is now extremely dangerous.

Ships from resource-hungry lands of the eastern Flanaess are striking out in search of trading partners, hoping to rebuild from the wars. The Sea Barons and the east coast city-states of Rel Astra, Ountsy, and Roland are now exploring the mini-continent of Hepmonaland, returning with fantastic tales and riches. (Many fall prey to disease, pirates, monsters, and privateers from the Scarlet Brotherhood and Lordship of the Isles, however.) Several major kingdoms full of new peoples are said to lie in this tropical land, some rumored to be at war with the slave-taking Brotherhood.

In Marner, capital of Ratik, a lone long ship sailed into port in late 590 cy. The pale barbarians aboard the ship spoke a dialect of the Cold Tongue and claimed to be from a distant northeastern island called Fireland. They came with four other ships in search of help for an undisclosed problem facing their people; their other long ships were sunk by sea monsters or Ice Barbarian raiders. The aged explorer Korund of Ratik can supply maps and some information to anyone wishing to return to Fireland with these barbarians, but he is too infirm to travel and is . growing senile as well. Frost Barbarians believe “Firelanders” are descended from sailors from the Thillonrian Peninsula who settled there centuries ago; the barbarians wish to establish further contact with them. The glaciated land is called Fireland for its volcanoes, visible for many miles at night as red fountains in the sea.

Few in the Flanaess are heading south to explore the Amedio Jungle, though some minor expeditions to this land have returned to confirm old tales about it or add new legends. Ships from the Scarlet Brotherhood and local pirates make travel to the Amedio very dangerous, as if the jungle itself were not dangerous enough. Ancient ruins are scattered across this region, filled with wealth (it is said) and dreadful things.

In addition, voyages across the Solnor Ocean by the Sea Barons, and trips northward from Perrenland to Blackmoor and the Land of Black Ice still take place. Even old ruins close to home are being reinvestigated in search of new wealth and an end to potential threats and dangers. (Even Castle Greyhawk has seen renewed interest of late.)

It is an exciting time to be alive in the Flanaess. The wars have subsided and exploration has begun anew. Attempts to reach marvelous, faraway realms also offer many awful ways for adventurers to perish on the trips. Those who survive and conquer will win fame, wealth, and influence such as few have ever known before. Courage, wit, and daring are essential to victory in every case.

From Adventure Begins


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