G 1: City Botanical Gardens and Well

This expanse of plant life, centered around a large gazebo, is maintained by the city for the enjoyment of its citizens. Located just inside the Wharfgate, the gardens cover a series of gently sloping hillsides, offering a variety of panoramic views over all regions of the city.

The gardens include small groves of unusual trees, plots of brilliant blossoms, and bushes and shrubs trimmed into hedges and topiaries. Pleasant walking trails of crushed gravel meander through the gardens, offering a selection of short or long paths.

The gazebo is centered around a small spring, which collects in a concrete pool within the structure. The water then trickles along several different drainage paths. over miniature waterfalls. even turning small water wheels beside model millponds. The gardens are indeed an idyllic setting for thought, meditation, or quiet conversation.

Gl: City Botanical Gardens and Well. Established by Zagig Yragerne early in his career as Lord Mayor, the Botanical Gardens are centered on a square gazebo covering a freshwater spring. The gardens are elevated to give the visitor a great view across the city, except into the Grand Citadel. Exotic trees, shrubs, flowers, and hedges are everywhere, interwoven with miniature waterwheels, waterfalls, reflecting pools, and so forth. This area is maintained by a minor noble family named the Gandees, who live in an attractive if small manor on the gardens’ eastern side.

DM's Notes: One of the Gandees 1s actually a dryad attached to an oak tree adjacent to the garden. How the dryad appeared in the city a decade ago is a mystery, but the family has adopted her and managed to provide a cover for her as a long-lost daughter. The dryad is likely to pick up a handsome adventurer for a brief dalliance before the family forces her to let the victim go.


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