G10: Temple of Pelor

This grand temple is more than a century old, and it shows some outward signs of disrepair. Inwardly, the golden draperies that symbolize the goodness of Pelor hang everywhere, bright as new. The sanctuary in the heart of the temple is used for the morning rites of devotion, performed daily, and the full day of observances every Godsday. Two other large rooms are also devoted to the advancement of the faith.

One of these is a large chamber used as a shelter for those who have nowhere else to stay. Abuses of this hospitality are prevented by know alignment spells - only those of virtuous nature are admitted-and a maximum stay of three nights. The acolytes of the church devote time each day to helping the needy individual find employment and lodging.

The second large room is used lo serve food and drink for those who attend the services in the sanctuary.

High Matriarch Sarana, leader of this congregation, is fully detailed in Ch3 FFF. Other priests here include one 7th level, two 4th level, and the eight 1st-level acolytes.

G10: Temple of Pelor. Though this temple appears rather run-down on the outside, the inside is filled with golden marvels of statuary and other finery. Like the church of St. Cuthbert, Pelor’s Temple ministers to the poor and downtrodden who find their way to the High Quarter. The temple has had a few arguments with the sentries at the Garden Gate, who often turn away poor folk seeking alms, food, drink, or shelter here. High Matriarch Sarana [NG hf C15 — Pelor; hp 81; Con 15, Wis 18, Cha 15; ring of protection +4, mace of disruption, five staves of curing] is 63 years old and feeling the pinch of age, but still continues her work. Sarana is a close friend of Constable Derider Fanshen. Raise dead spells are more available here than anywhere else in the city, but many restrictions apply to their use. A shallow, rectangular pool on the grounds west of the temple has fountains built into it and is used for bathing during public ceremonies.

DM's Notes: Characters who worship here have a fair chance of becoming acquainted with Constable Fanshen and some of the City Watch who visit here. This is a very popular religion in the city, but it has enemies among evil cults, as does St. Cuthbert’s following. Some clerics of Pelor have been targeted for smear campaigns and blackmail by evil groups; player characters could investigate these charges.


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