G11: The Golden Phoenix

The Golden Phoenix is one of the city's more renowned luxury inns and dining houses. It is detailed fully, with suggested encounters, in Ch6 FFF.

G11: Golden Phoenix Inn. One of the most luxurious inns and dining houses is the Golden Phoenix, which sees a steady stream of business from the caravans entering and leaving the city. Many caravans make short stops at the Temple of Zilchus next door before leaving town, getting breakfast at the Golden Phoenix as well. The Golden Phoenix (often confused in name with the Golden Dragon by newcomers) has 12 double rooms, 18 single rooms, and two restaurants. The Velunese Grill is popular for small meals early in the day, and the Celene Feast Hall serves large meals in the evening. The Grand Feast in the Celene Feast Hall on the last day of each month and on all public holidays puts on a spectacular show with jugglers and musicians. Costs are 10-40 gp for meals and 10-15 gp per night for a room.

The inn was purchased in the late 580s by an unknown person, believed to be a foreign noblewoman, and it is currently managed by Emul Barg [N hm T2; hp 5; Int 16, Wis 5, Cha 16], a Shield Lands refugee who came to Greyhawk in 579 Cy. Barq is pleasant, friendly, and always quick with a joke, but has no common sense about things. Barq’s boss dresses in dark clothing as if in mourning and travels only at night under heavy guard from the Old City. She is called the “Night Dame” by those few who have seen her. Barq calls his boss the “Old Lady” and doesn’t care if his remarks about her nasty temper get back to her. He seems very secure in his job.

DM's Notes: The “Night Dame” allows Emul Barq much freedom and doesn't care what he calls her. Her real name is Guiliana Mortidus [NE hf C12 — Nerull; hp 64; Wis 16, Dex 18, Cha 18; many magical items]. Guiliana, now 44, was one of the very few priests of the Horned Society who escaped being slain by Iuz during his invasion of that realm in 582 Cy. She was away from Molag and went into hiding in Furyondy, slowly making her way around to Greyhawk. Guiliana was able to locate and take charge of several cults of Nerull along the way, seizing their funds and turning them into her personal bodyguards. By using disguises and operating through intermediaries like Barq, she has kept her identity secret and built herself a strong trading business that operates out of Greyhawk itself, from several buildings in the Old City. Her purchase of the Golden Phoenix, which is frequented by the Directing Oligarchy, members of the Circle of Eight, guildmasters, high priests, and nobles, allows her to secretly eavesdrop on these potential enemies.

Guiliana has made contact with the only two Hierarchs who escaped Iuz’s attack: Andrade Mirrius [NE hm C18 — Nerull; hp 74; Str 16, Con 15, Wis 18, Cha 15; many magical items] who is 54, and Nezmajen [NE hm C15 — Nerull; hp 63; Dex 16, Con 15, Wis 18, Cha 16] who is 47. Nezmajen has built a strong force of humans, humanoids, and undead in the western Fellreev, with which he harasses Iuz’s forces. Andrade, however, lives in the City of Greyhawk (see R10). All three make heavy use of magical devices and spells that conceal their identities and fol divination spells. Their plotting is responsible for the rise in evil cults in the city, as they are all drawn to the spreading web of evil that is being spun. Guiliana and Andrade plan to seize power in the city over a period of time. They wish to weaken the city’s Watch and Thieves’ Guild by corruption from within, and also hope to corrupt the Guild of Wizardry. Guiliana was made a third Hierarch by the other two ina special ceremony, and they are looking for more candidates to open branches of the Hierarchs in Dyvers, the Duchy of Urnst, and Furyondy. The Hierarchs hate Knights of Holy Shielding and all good religions in the city, particularly the lawful ones, and work against them.

Articles under G11: The Golden Phoenix


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