G12: Temple of Zilchus

This squat pyramid, made of brown stone, looks deceptively plain and simple beside the grand temples and mansions of the Upper City. However, entry into the temple sanctum dispels any illusions of humility or modesty. Crystal chandeliers, golden ornaments, silver statuary. and ceremonial candle holders of platinum are the order of the day.

The temple's congregation is small, but their donations to the temple coffers belie their numbers, for Zilchus is the greater god most favored by businessmen, moneychangers, and merchants. There are considerable numbers of each in the Free City, and they have not neglected the deity watching over them. Services are held every Godsday evening, but the rest of the time a visitor will likely find only the temple staff here.

The value of treasures within the temple is tremendous, exceeding 100,000 gp in precious metals alone. Perhaps half that amount could be gained from the bulk items such as statues and tapestries. But the temple is not easily burgled.

The interior consists of a great, square room with a huge stone door in each side, leading outdoors. These doors cannot be forced open by total Strength of less than 150. The room within is airy, with a reflective marble floor, black columns arranged in a square about the center of the room, and several cushioned benches. Most of the valuables are on display, standing ready for use.

The Revered Speaker Stakaster Villaine presides here. He is a 10th-level priest and is assisted by several younger followers.

Stakaster Villaine: AC 4; MV 9; Prl0; hp 44; THAC0 14; #AT l; Dmg 1d8; Spells: 4 1st, 4 2nd, 3 3rd. 3 4th, and 2 5th

Assistant: AC 6; MV 12; Pr5; hp 21; THAC0 18; #AT 1; 0mg 1d6; Spells: 3 1st, 3 2nd, and I 3rd 5

Novices: AC 7; MV 12; Cl; hp 5; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6; Spell: 1 1st

Additional temple defense is provided by eight stone golems that emerge from the columns upon the speaking of a command word by any of the clerics. Another command word causes all four doors to slam shut, openable only by the reverse of the command. All of the clerics know the "close" command, but only Stakaster and his assistant can open the doors again. Naturally, they are slammed at the slightest sign of disturbance.

The locked vault contains the temple treasury of some 60,000 in coins and 25,000 in gems. The vault is protected by a crushing block trap (4d10 points of damage).

G12: Temple of Zilchus. This squat, brown stone pyramid houses one of the grandest temples in the city. The interior is a monument to the power of wealth, with furnishings of gold, silver, platinum, mithral, adamantite, silk, and crystal being the order of the day. The congregation is small but made up of the richest merchants and guildmasters in the city, Ic particularly members of the Union of Merchants and Traders. Offices are available in the temple for business meetings (under the patronage of Zilchus).

The high priest here is Stakaster Villaine [N hm C11 — Zilchus; hp 47; Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 17; many magical items], who has become the leading economic voice in the city. He opposes taxing trade but argues in favor of sinking money from profits into infrastructure (roads and bridges) and building trade with the United Kingdom of Ahlissa through Nyrond. A master of financial planning, he is consulted by the Directing Oligarchy, the Guild of Wizardry, and the Union of Merchants and Traders on many matters.

DM's Notes: While it is widely reported (and very true) that many of the riches here are openly displayed with no apparent guards about, very few thieves have lived to tell of robbing this temple. Eight stone golems, a complex magical security system, trapped/ cursed treasures, and armed clerics discourage (or kill) most who would try their luck here. The temple pays protection money to the Thieves’ Guild to get this group to stay away; however, foreign thieves and certain monsters are a problem. A magical abacus was stolen from here a decade ago; its recovery would bring great favor on the finder.


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