G13: Chapel of Fharlanghn

This quiet temple is set back from Temple Row, surrounded by its own gardens and the Upper Wall. The priests of this benign deity- favored lord of travelers and mercenaries- work quietly here, primarily offering rest and nourishment, as well as healing, for those travelers with no homes in the Free City. Several small cells are maintained for these guests.

The priests also perform missionary work in the Old City, tending to the sick and hungry. Their temple is plain, with little ornamentation, but a cheery fire always bums at the hearth, and a hot meal for a hungry traveler is never more than a few minutes away.

G13: Chapel of Fharlanghn. This modest temple has strong ties to the Temple of Zilchus, next door, and to the Union of Merchants and Traders. Travelers, peddlers, middle-class merchants, mercenaries, caravan guards, and others come here to offer tithes and prayers for safe travel before leaving the city. The priest in charge and the entire staff are rotated in staggered shifts to other shrines and temples across the Flanaess, rarely staying in Greyhawk more than a year. The average priest in charge is a human or demihuman of level 1d6+2, with 2d6 lesser priests. Little of value is kept here except good food and drink, maps, and valuable oral lore about conditions across the Flanaess. The small wood lot in back belongs to the temple and is the scene of outdoor services.

DM's Notes: Characters who are Knights of Holy Shielding or who worship Heironeous will find this oval and spiral temple the perfect place for rest and companionship. Rumors from the militia and Watch are easy to overhear and are likely to be reliable, considering the sorts of people who repeat them. Much can be learned, especially about conditions in the Cairn Hills, along the High Road, in the mining villages, and out to the Duchy of Urnst. Talk can also be heard here about recent changes in the old Great Kingdom and what they might mean for Greyhawk. Distrust of the United Kingdom of Ahlissa is great, and hatred of the Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdy is profound.


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