G3: The Nymph and Satyr

This drinking house offers an exotic variety of malt beverages, wines, and liquors-reputedly the greatest selection in the Free City. The cost is reasonable, except for the rarest of specimens, and the place is usually crowded after dark. It is open from late afternoon until well past midnight.

The Nymph and Satyr offers a number of small private and semiprivate rooms for its guests' relaxation. For a small fee, a customer can arrange to have a private waiter or waitress, and a steady supply of beverages for himself and a few friends. The inn also rents relatively cheap, plain lodging for overnight guests.

The Nymph and Satyr is frequented by young, unattached citizens of both sexes. Courtesans, officers of the watch, noble damsels, maiden daughters of the city's wealthy citizens, and successful young adventurers can all be found here. It is generally avoided by more respectable citizens, and has a bit of a wild reputation, but on the other hand there is rarely a fight here, and visitors are required to check all weapons and armor at the door. (In fact, visitors are expected to leave such things at home when they visit the Nymph and Satyr.)

G3: Nymph and Satyr Inn. Popular opinion holds that this place has the widest and most exotic selection of alcoholic beverages in the city. The prices are reasonable, the atmosphere is relaxing if sometimes wild, and lodging is inexpensive if not very classy. It stays open ~ from Iate afternoon until past midnight. The inn has a no-weapons policy that has served it well in the past.

DM’s Notes: A rumor is circulating that the business might be for sale. The owner, a young noble named Aodis [N hm F2; hp 8], is supposedly moving to Furyondy, In truths the business is for sale for a considerable but not unreasonable sum (10,000 gp), but the payment must be made in gems. The owner must flee town quickly, having angered an Oligarch by providing a meeting place at the inn for the Oligarch’s daughter and a forbidden lover. The young couple has now run off, and Aodis wisely believes his life is in jeopardy. He is now disguised, in hiding, and preparing to leave as soon as he can get his gems.


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