G4: The Sacred Temple of Saint Cuthbert

As perhaps the largest religious group in the Free City, the followers of St. Cuthbert felt compelled to erect a temple suited to their own prosperity, and symbolizing the benign good will and blessings of their good deity. They claimed this low rise long ago for a shrine. Through the years that shrine has grown into a grand temple, lined with golden ornaments and fitted with silver and jeweled symbols of faith.

The temple is the setting for a full day and night of ceremonies every Godsday. The rest of the week it is the home of its priests and acolytes, and those of the faithful or needy who come begging for the favors of the god through his priests.

The temple of St. Cuthbert is presided over by Eritai Kaan-Ipzirel, a female 11th-level cleric. She is assisted by a pair of ascetics, 6th-level clerics, and a dozen 1st-level pupils.

These clerics are all of the Billets of St. Cuthbert order. They dress in the rust brown garments symbolic of their order; they strive to help those who have demonstrated their faith to the god.

Though the temple is full of valuables, gold and silver items totaling perhaps 15,000 gp and another 4,000 in gems, the priests have no additional guards or agents. Their faith is so strong, and their deity so potent, that they become aware of any plot hatched within the city that is directed against their sanctuary. They cannot be surprised by thieves, nor do they restrain their holy vengeance against would-be intruders.

G4: Sacred Temple of St. Cuthbert. The most powerful religious following in Greyhawk is that of St. Cuthbert. The temple here grew from a simple, one-room wooden building to the grandest house of worship around. Every Godsday, ceremonies are conducted here day and night. Beggars and others in need find ready help here, mixed with stern warnings about staying on the beaten path (or else risking a beating themselves if they do evil). The temple is overseen by Eritai Kaan-Ipzirel [LN hf C11 — St. Cuthbert; hp 64; Str 16, Wis 17; plate mail +3, mace +3] of the order of the Billets of St. Cuthbert. Talasek Thraydin [LG hm P9; hp 72; Str 17, Wis 15, Con 16, Cha 18; plate mail +4, frostbrand long sword +3] is a paladin-in-residence.

Interestingly, this temple has no guards other than its unusual Weisshund dogs, though it is filled with valuable religious ornaments and items of precious metals and jewels. The faithful clerics apparently receive warnings from above of almost any plot being hatched against them or their temple, anywhere in the city; they have never been successfully robbed. The temple was attacked once in recent memory, by agents of the Falcon in 581 cy, but the assault was driven back despite damage to the temple. This caused the watriorlike clerics to arm and armor themselves to a greater extent and to increase the number of priests here to a total of 30. The City Watch and Nightwatchmen’s Guild, both filled with followers of St. Cuthbert, also patrol this area heavily.

DM’s Notes: This temple and its activist priests are a target of many evil cults in the city, particularly those of Iuz. Characters who worship St. Cuthbert can become involved in efforts to defend the temple, rescue its priests, or root out its many determined enemies. Holy quests and special missions to benefit the church are common, as are nasty conflicts with priests of Pholtus.


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